
My brothers seem to write highly amusing emails. Amusing is a nice word, just's just the musingness of it that makes it sound somewhat special.

One week of Japanese hiatus and I'm somewhat lost. Argh I need to sort out all the grammar. That happens when tests and the like squeeze their way into your life and threaten to marginalize any free time. Ack.

I think I'm starting to pick up the unhealthy habit of sleeping naps that become longer than just mere naps. *Guilty-look*

Next week promises to be a very busy week because I have so many presentations/reports/etc due when school starts. Keeping my fingers crossed because if it doesn't materialise -- that means I will have two days free, not to mention I won't annoy my econs group. (I hope.) Anyway econs tutorial seems to be the only tutorial that really made sense to me today. (Cheers! to almost perfectness except for one smalllllll error.)

I think I'm starting to realise that you only take part in stuff if you're very free (how I have no idea) or you're those zai ones. As in the really, really zai types.

I wish I could be as swankycool as my seniors.

But nonetheless, to quote Hum SinHoon, Press On, Don't Give Up!

Which means I better start figuring what on earth has been going on for OM for the past few weeks. :D


harle on 9:12 pm