
This made me think of Green Tea. And also the dodgy advertisment for Heaven & Earth. Which is funny, in a weird Godzilla way.
But now, I'm swearing off (or more like ever since the Trip) anything packaged as Green Tea/Jasmine Green Tea etc etc because it's too sweet and too much sugar is bad for you. I'll learn how to drink it the original, unadulterated way every time.
Tea ceremonies still seem to be a closed door to me.
I won't be quite losing my sense of self as of now so let's see.
//HanaKimi Episode 4, soon.
//Second-hand browsing books was good. Got very good buys, especially for poor students like myself. First buys are so extravagantly priced it's such a rip-off. :(
//Iroha has two discarded characters.
//Travelling by bus is infinitely more comfortable than train.
//Sheep is 'da bez. :) Our crazy spontaneous sessions are awesome.
//20 years, oh dear.
//Wasn't that Savage Garden song 8 years old already?
//I'm running out of library card space, I'm running out of time.
//OCL is closing, sadly. 9>.<6
Labels: japan, recountings, tea ceremonies, お茶 ocha
harle on 12:46 am