beading whoo-ee

Eeeeeyur I'm really addicted to this thing called beading :):) But am pretty satisfied with the nifty stuff a little wire can do, and it's officially BAD because I'm going to kill my eyesight at this rate. :) (hurhur!)

Beading is highly therapeutic though, and it makes one 'appi :)

Am highly inspired to do more wirework tho' the current standards are somewhat questionable hahah, and I shall be creating funky wunky highly original stuff so yayness and shall give them to the Mommy and the Brother's Girlfriend who are the few guinea pigs that I am testing them out on :)

Yay hobbies really, really rule this planet :) My Planet :D

I think I could have been a dentist :)

And I think it's time to be more serious. I have been slacking ever since er, a long long time ago. So must not slack so much. Or else I will truly lose it :)
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harle on 3:37 am