The most merciful thing in the the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. - h.p.lovecraft

Nightwatch is really up there, like Sandman, The Dark Knight Returns...etc. Unfortunately I'm not like the bros, and I only read the big names. (I'm lousy I know!) I think it's really the internet. If I count the amount of time I wasted (yes wasted) on the 'net, I probably could have time to finish all the Sandman Companion books (yes the official and unofficial ones), the whole X Men Series from its inception to the current ___ edition, and everything from Marvel & DC.

It's pretty interesting observing (albeit superficially,) the characters from DC and Marvel. I gotta admit that Gaiman's getting me into the whole comics fest. Though, I spent a fair amount of time on manga, rather than comics. Jeez, I rather ruefully recall the first comic I read...I'm not going to say what it is because it's shoujo ACK! Then I got addicted to the shonen ones and my world CHANGED. るろうに剣心 is still one of my all time favourites! I mean, it's gotta to be darn good for me to still want to read it 7 years on....! Even the bro liked it! Ha and well at the very least, manga helped me learn my 繁体字! :D

LOL those were the good ol' days, but reading the Sandman Companion serves to affirm that I won't grow out of comics or manga, for sure.

I have chucked one of my notebooks somewhere. My room has its own weirdness probably from me.

I think that's such a useful skill to know!

And mah family rocks I tell you! I have the bestest family! Although a dog would make it complete~*

How man I just have so much to do I don't ever want to stop being in _now_.

Now is just about right. Couldn't time stop just for a while? I think it's the effect of Summer. 夏!!!! :) hahahaha I'm thinking of L'arc's 夏の憂鬱 song although I'm feelin' far from it! Still, it's such a song to bring back memories of L'arc. I love L'arc and what their name represents! Glad that they're cleaner nowadays, I'm rather far from the Visual Kei days of yore.

Argh I can't believe I'm actually liking We Can Make it!. AH well. HAPPY SUMMER MUSIC CHU~*!

Ha, I realise I do so appreciate the Redemption storylines.

Oh and Veni, Vedi, Vetinari never fails to crack me up.

All around me darkness gathers,
Fading is the sun that shone;
We must speak of other matters:
You can be me when I'm gone.
- Neil Gaiman

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harle on 11:09 pm