where the laptops' cheap and the lights are pretty

Ack sometimes I wonder if I'm chinese. :|
Smacks self.

Anyway I'm doing the DVD Reload thang again.

Jun's got new hair again! Still love his Gokusen 'do the best though :) And KimuTaku was doing his Gatsby moves on tv again. That just cracks me up, period.
And why is Taiwan loads more funnnnn boo! MTV Taiwan is the closest I can get to J/K overdose. When are they shipping the albums to Singapore!!!! Boo.
Clazziquai's getting heavy promo airplay.

Osca is weird, period. It even gives me creeps at the thought of Shiina Ringo doing a Hollaback Girl. Seriously ever since I saw the Himitsu rap pv, I lost faith in TJ. NOOOOOO! *I am not against japanese rap (look at m~flo) but NOT TJ. TJ is not about that. You do not like TJ because of OSCA. I don't want them jumping on the bandwagon thinking that TJ is OSCA. If you do, arghhhh no man that is not the TJ sound. Where are the Kao, Sounan, Kuramaya-san and even Shuruba sounds! The new crew is not to my liking!!!!!!!! :|:|:|:|

Anyway Cosmicolor by M~flo is glad-stuff. I'm so glad they've gone back to the old skool. Reminds me of the times when they were with and Lisa. There's really quite a few gems off this album:
- Stuck In Your Love with Melody
- Summer Time Love with Emi, Ryohei
- Picture Perfect Love with Monkey Majik
- Love Me After 12am - feat Alex from Clazziquai fame

etc. Namie Amuro's and Bonnie Pink's numbers are pretty good. I like Summer Time Love and Love me after 12am because they really grow on you. I've been plugging this album since Japan May June 07 and it's gotten better :) Meet me there at Akihibara City where the laptops' cheap and the lights are pretty! I love Alex's voice! Smooth :)

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harle on 1:08 am